Friday, February 17, 2012

Review: Pirate Pete's 3D Adventure


Pirate Pete's 3D Adventure
Written and Illustrated by David Crossley

Publication date: 2010
Publisher: North Parade Publishing
ISBN: 0-7554-8260-3

Summary/Back cover:
Pete, the young pirate's shipmate, has uncovered an old hidden treasure map.

Join him on his swashbuckling adventure in search of the spot marked X. His mission is a daring one and of the pirates catch him he'll walk the plank for sure!

Pete's adventure is brought vividly to life with five amazing pop-up scenes, complete with layers and windows revealing the 3D world within!

My 3 year old loves this book purely because of the pop-up scenes on each page. The entire book is only 5 pages long, so doesn't take many minutes to read, but it's a great book to be able to talk about 'behind' and 'in front' with preschoolers.

The story itself is simple enough, about a pirate's shipmate stealing some gold and jewels while the pirates aren't looking - but I doubt my son's even listening to the story as I read it to him!

Keep this book away from your under-3's unless they're very gentle with books, as it can easily get ripped (oh yes, I speak from experience) - but bring it out many times for your 3+ year olds.

My rating: 3.5 out of 5

Review written by Bronwyn

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