Illustrated by Alissa Imre Geis
Interest Level: Ages 7-10
About This Book: Alexandra and Jenny have been best friends for a long time. But when Alexandra is momentarily dazzled by the glamour of a new girl at school, she's willing to do almost anything to get to be the cool girl's friend. Ultimately, she tells Jenny's biggest, most important secret and just like that, Alexandra is in! But when Alexandra realizes what it feels like to lose her best friend, and sees the hurt she's caused, she knows she has make things right.
Why It's On My Bookshelf: Just read the reviews:
"This is a book any girl can relate to, not just because a friendship breaks apart, but because the girls figure out a way to stay together. It's a great model for what should happen in real life."
—Maya Brown, age 12
—Maya Brown, age 12
"We all make mistakes. We become better people when we learn from them. I love this story because Peggy Moss and Dee Dee Tardif reject one-dimensional "mean girls." Instead they offer us a real girl who does something she regrets, who recognizes the sadness, loss, and hurt she inflicts, and who is granted a great gift—the joy of knowing a friend's forgiveness. This should be a lesson to us all."
—Lyn Mikel Brown, co-author of Packaging Girlhood: Rescuing Our Daughters from Marketers' Schemes, author of Girlfighting: Betrayal and Rejection Among Girls, and Maya's mom
—Lyn Mikel Brown, co-author of Packaging Girlhood: Rescuing Our Daughters from Marketers' Schemes, author of Girlfighting: Betrayal and Rejection Among Girls, and Maya's mom
Friendships require maintenance. This book empowers students to create rules and limitations within their friendships. Our Friendship Rules has served as a guide for my students. Kids create their own list of friendship rules after we read the book. Ask your child or student, what should you do when someone breaks a friendship rule? What should the mending of a hurt look like? How does forgiveness play a part in friendships? And most importantly - how can we prevent hurts from ever happening? There is a lot of friendship drama going on in schools everyday. Which equals hurt feelings, exclusion, and unhappiness. Put this helpful read on your shelf to promote kindness and encourage healthy relationships.

Check out the author's website Say Something Now.
Activity To Do With Kids: Check out this neat idea called Letting Go of Grudges
A Link to This Book and Others You Might Find Helpful:
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