Friday, March 5, 2010

Book Review: Charlie Anderson

Author: Barbara Abercrombie
illustrated by Mark Graham
Interest Level: Ages 5-9

About This Book: Two sisters, Elizabeth and Sarah, adopt the cat who appears on their doorstep every evening--but never during the day. Soon he is sleeping on their beds and answering to the name of Charlie. The girls visit their father in the city every weekend, but on weekdays, when they are home with their mother, Charlie is always there by suppertime. One night the cat doesn't come. The next day the girls discover that he lives in a house with a family on the other side of the woods, where he is called Anderson, fed by day and let out by night. They all call the cat "Charlie Anderson," and realize that he, like Elizabeth and Sarah, "has two houses, two beds, two families who love him." Graham's soft-toned, realistic paintings of the charming little girls and the furry gray cat are delightfully appealing, perfectly conveying the mood and message of the story.

Just like Elizabeth and Sarah, 
Charlie has two houses,
two beds,
two families who love him.

Why It's On My Bookshelf: I found this story sweet and touching. Charlie Anderson makes kids feel better about going back and forth between two homes.... and through a cat! It's a lovely story with a very nurturing ending. This is an important and relevant book to today's youth. The only bummer is that there are not more books out there like Charlie Anderson. The message is that you can love two families. So powerful!

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