Authors: Amy V. Jaffe and Luci Gardner
Interest Level: All Ages
About This Book: This highly engaging workbook is an ideal way to help teach children to identify, access the intensity of, and respond appropriately to their emotions. The book is fully interactive. By using a dry-erase marker, unique situations and solutions can be added and changed with a wipe of a paper towel, as the child masters a skill and grows. Also included is a Communication Pad for tracking and sharing information between home and school an important component of effective programming. The book is great for all children, including those with Asperger Syndrome and other autism spectrum disorders.
Why It's On My Bookshelf: This workbook is for ALL children, not just those with Asperger Syndrome and other Autism Spectrum Disorders. I came across My Book Full of Feelings at my local bookstore and immediately saw it's potential in helping children at my school. It uses colors for feelings, visualization, and a triangle that has three sizes of feelings - small, medium, and big. Make sure to read the "How To Use This Book" section. We tend to skip past those pages to get immediately to the 'goods'. The author gives really good suggestions on techniques to use with children while using the workbook. A lot of children struggle with identifying their feelings which can lead to an out of control response to a situation. My Book Full of Feelings has helped me be a better counselor. Your shelf needs a resource like this if you work with children who need help controling their reactions and the size of their emotions.
PS. this is a one on one book but could also be used in a group setting.
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