Monday, August 8, 2011

Review: Baby Einstein See and Spy Counting

Baby Einstein See and Spy Counting
Concept by Julie Aigner-Clark
Illustrations by Nadeem Zaidi

Publication date: 2001
Publisher: Hyperion Books for Children
ISBN: 978-0-78-680808-3

Summary/Back cover:
The concept of numbers and counting from 1 to 5 is demonstrated by the Baby Einstein characters in a variety of playful, amusing scenarios. Young children will delight in finding, naming, and counting a variety of objects in each illustration. The book also builds vocabulary, and teaches the names of parts of the body.

My almost-3 year old loves this book - the general gist is that each page has five questions along the lines of "How many sunflowers are painted on the canvas?" and ""How many bananas is the monkey holding?" - the questions are simple, the numbers are counting from 1 to 5, and kids seem to love it!  I honestly thought my son would be bored of it halfway through, but he's read it over and over, and enjoys taking it to bed to read to himself - the version we have is a board book, so is perfect for this.  I enjoy listening to him reading to himself - "How many baby ducks are there? One, two, three, four, five." Occasionally followed by "sixseveneightnineten!!"

It's not a reading book as such, as there's no storyline, but this book slotted into both our reading time and our play time quite happily - my almost-1 year old enjoyed looking at the pictures, and his big brother enjoyed 'reading' it to him: "That's a duck.  You say 'duck'.  There's one, two, three ducks."

My rating: 4 out of 5.  A great book for early counters.

Review written by Bronwyn

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