I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean
Written and Illustrated by Kevin Sherry
Publisher: Puffin Books
ISBN: 978-0-14-350227-2
Summary/Back cover:
I am a GIANT SQUID. And maybe you haven't noticed, but I'm pretty BIG. I'm bigger that his page! I'm bigger than this book! I dare you to find anything bigger than ME!
This book appealed to my 3 year old immediately, as the squid is quite boastful about all the things he's bigger than - we tried to think of something bigger than the squid, and didn't come up with anything, until we turned the page and discovered something bigger than the squid.
However, the squid is quite an optimistic chap, and still finds that he's the biggest thing, but changes the parameters slightly - much like our kids might do at times: I'm the oldest kid at kindy, I'm the tallest kid in my group, I'm the fastest kid at running (out of all of these crawling babies...) etc.
There's not many words in this book, which makes it a great one for pre-readers to "read" back to their parents. After only twice through this book, my 3 year old was reciting the story almost word-for-word back to me.
Definitely a winner with boys here - and would probably appeal to a number of girls as well.
My rating: 4.5 out of 5
Review written by Bronwyn
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