Sunday, January 15, 2012

Review: Incy Wincy Spider


Incy Wincy Spider
by Kate Toms

Publication date: 2009
Publisher: Ice Water Press
ISBN: 978-1-92171-807-6

Summary/Back cover:
Incy Wincy Spider is climbing up the spout. Down comes the rain and washes Incy out. Out comes the sun and dries up all the rain, so
Incy Wincy Spider climbs up the spout again.

Look inside to find out how Incy Wincy Spider finally gets back to his web!

Rhyming text and beautiful, hand-stitched illustrations make this an ideal book for parents and young children to share.

I was drawn to this book by the gorgeous illustration on the front cover, but was somewhat put off by the title. Thank goodness I ignored my initial reservations and went on reading. The story captures the childrens' imaginations through its kid-friendly humour and easy to follow rhyming text. It is not just another "rerun" of the traditional Incy Wincy Spider nursery rhyme, but rather a clever story that allows for plenty of discussion and heaps of giggles. The illustrations are amazing and are dotted with sub-text that allows you to understand how poor Incy is feeling. In the end, Incy proves himself to be quite clever when he comes up with a rather cunning plan. It is a firm favourite in our house and is perfect for a wide range of ages.

My rating: 5 out of 5 (Yes, we love it that much!)

Review written by Bridge

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