Monday, October 10, 2011

Review: Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins
by P.L. Travers

Publication date: 1934 (original)

I'll need to go back to the library and borrow this book again to get the publisher and back cover details, as I was lucky enough to discover an original copy of Mary Poppins in our local library - it's not out on the shelf, but is available from a locked-up cupboard in the children's section for those that are keen enough to ask for it.

I wasn't even aware that Mary Poppins was a book before it was a movie (how backwards am I?!), but am very pleased I read the book.  It is a much darker book than the Disney movie has portrayed (fortunately - it wouldn't have been nearly as successful a movie had it been kept as it is), and there are many chapters (scenes, if you like) that have been left out of the movie.

Mary Poppins is a lot stricter, harsher, and unpleasant in the book than in the movie, which made it hard to like her as much - but then again, I'm a big Julie Andrews fan, so maybe I'm biased towards the movie Mary Poppins a bit!

If you ever get the chance to read an original copy of Mary Poppins, I thoroughly recommend it - it's only 222 pages long (including the occasional picture), so won't take the average adult reader long to finish.  I haven't read this to my one and three year old sons, but rather read it as part of a bookclub (October's theme is "Childhood Favourites" and this was one that came up - stay posted later on in the month for The Secret Garden).

Oh, and interesting trivia - did you know P.L. Travers is a woman?  I had always assumed the author to be a man, but nope!

My rating: 4.5 out of 5 - one of those classics that everyone should read.

Review written by Bronwyn

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