On Your Potty!
Written and Illstrated by Virginia Miller
Publication date: 2008
Publisher: Walker Books
ISBN: 978-1-4063-1185-3
Summary/Back cover:
Does Bartholomew need his potty? "Nah!" he says. George tries to persuade him, but Bartholomew knows when he is ready!
Perfect for parents and children alike, this delightful series (On Your Potty, Be Gentle, Eat Your Dinner, Get Into Bed) deals humorously and sympathetically with four important stages in a toddler's development.
We found this book at the right time for our toilet training toddler, and it's such a simple wee book, that it becomes quite effective - basically it's about a bear (Bartholomew) who doesn't want to sit on his potty, then when he does, he doesn't manage to do anything. After he runs off to play, he realises he needs to go, and runs back to his potty (he gets there in time, in case you were wondering!)
My major criticism of this book is the name given to the bear -a shorter name than Bartholomew for a children's book would have been more suitable, I thought, but I don't know if the author has/had a toddler named Bartholomew that the book was originally written for, perhaps?
My rating: As a toilet training book - 4 out of 5. As a regular reading book - 3 out of 5. Cute, but really only any good at toilet training season!
Review written by Bronwyn
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