Why do dogs sniff bottoms?
Written by Dawn McMillan and Bert Signal
Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird
Publication date: 2008
Publisher: Penguin Group (NZ)
ISBN: 978-0-14-350288-3
Summary/Back cover
Dawn McMillan and Bert Signal provide an answer to that age-old question - why exactly do dogs sniff bottoms?
Hilarious! The inside cover tells us how the story is based on a few lines of an old 1930s rugby song as remembered by one of the authors, Bert Signal. It also says how that song was probably unsuitable for children. Unfortunately, Bert did not live to see the book published.
This kiwi book opens with the titular question and "why the embarrassing disgrace with no regard for time or place?". We learn that a long time ago all dogs attended a canine concert, but due to the formal dress, the bouncer on the door wouldn't let any bottoms in, so they had to leave their bottoms, with their tails, at the door. They are all enjoying the show, when someone yells "Fire!" which creates a mad panic and saw all the dogs grab whatever bottom was to hand. Since then they have continued to search for their own by sniffing at everyone elses.
I love humourous books, and this one fits the bill perfectly. It has a great rhyming scheme and funny illustrations so it's one that will be enjoyed by both parent and child.
Review written by QTCass
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