Friday, January 28, 2011

Review: Michael Recycle

Michael Recycle
Written by Ellie Bethel
Illustrated by Alexandra Colombo

Publication date: 2008
Publisher: Koala Books
ISBN: 978-0-86461-811-5

Summary/Back cover:
Michael Recycle is on a mission to save the planet, but he needs your help!

This is a beautifully PC book, all about recycling, reusing and reducing. The story is about a Super Green Hero who flies into a grimy town and teaches them all about recycling. One page I particularly like is this:

So proud was the town of the green transformation
they threw a big party, a grand celebration!
They covered the town using green toilet paper
(but carefully rolled it back up to use later!)

This is an often-requested book by my 2 year old - the idea of 'super-hero' appeals to young boys, and the hero is cleverly used to teach children the importance of recycling.  As an aside, my son loves recycling and will often tell us that something can go in the recycling bin rather than the rubbish bin, so the book seems to have left an imprint on him!

My rating: 4.5 out of 5 - another lovely rhyming children's book, with a good lesson built in.

Review written by Bronwyn

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