Interest Level: Ages 4-8
From the Book Jacket: Mr. Duck and Mr. Rabbit hurry past each other every morning and every evening. Their paths always cross, but neither reaches out to bridge the gap. What a pity... They could be great friends.
With very simple text and gorgeous illustrations, Natalia Colombo has created a book that will challenge the reader to realize that friendships are precious and there are opportunities for friendship all around us, if only we pay attention.
Why It's On My Bookshelf: I'm using this book as a TOTAL community builder in my school. Taking the time to acknowledge one another in a friendly way everyday is a must in our busy lives. But not all kids are getting their daily dose of a "hello." And when I presented this issue to the kids they immediately wanted to take action and improve our school friendliness. We gotta look out for each other. Isn't it amazing how just a simple HELLO can really cheer you up? In So Close, Mr. Duck and Mr. Rabbit are great examples of this. They come into close contact everyday but never take the time to say hi or hello. They continue this silence towards one another with sad looks on their faces and you feel their loneliness. I love the ending. The author makes quite a little statement with these final words, "What a little word could make. Hello." The final pages show pictures of a budding friendship. Good stuff. Ask your kids why a hello is so important. The responses I received were beautiful and heartwarming. I had kids coming up to me the next day saying, "Mrs. D, I said hello to everyone I saw today!" What a reminder of how powerful a book can be in a child's life.
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