Illustrated by Nick Malaud
Interest Level: Ages 4-8
About This Book: This treatise on friendship is wrapped in the goofy guise of a relationship between a large pink creature that's a cross between a hippo and a dog, and a short animal with a long nose and orange-and-yellow striped skin, who narrates the story. At first, the smaller creature describes being lost, hurt, or simply shy and tells how the larger friend is there to help. Later, the two of them fight but quickly make up. Finally, the narrator is able to rescue his big buddy, who has become lost "in the woods, in the woods." The two of them fly off together in a hot-air balloon knowing that friendship is a two-way street. With repetitive phrasing and a poetic sensitivity, the text does a fine job of addressing the emotional vulnerability of individuals. It also moves the action along at a brisk pace. Besides the imaginative depictions of the fanciful characters, the artwork playfully uses color to augment their emotions–be it sunny yellow or an angry red. There is a heartwarming sweetness to this book. -School Library Journal
Why It's On My Bookshelf: Kids feel invigorated about friendship when reading That's What Friends Do.
I'll wait for you,
I'll share with you,
I'll care for you-
the way you cared for me.
That's what friends do.
Next time your students or kids are in a friendship pickle, pull this one off the shelf and have them re-read it with you. They need guidance and support with this issue more than any other area. With the rise in bullying and meanness, I am pushing the message of consideration and care for one another big time. Read, teach, and model friendship. This is such a sweet little read. Enjoy!
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